

Book Download: History of the German People at the Close of the Middle Ages by Fr. Johannes Janssen (Vol. I)

The wonderful development of spiritual and intellectual life that characterized this period was only possible in view of the fact that all minds were still influenced by the Church doctrine of ‘salvation by good works.’ This teaching resulted, on one hand, in innumerable charitable bequests, in the founding of hospitals, asylums, and orphanages, as well as in the building of churches and cathedrals adorned with all that was most beautiful in art; while it also prompted the establishment of higher and lower education institutions, and the liberal endowment of them.


Book Download: The Triumph of the Cross by Father Girolamo Savonarola, O.P.

Causes are known by their effects, and one of the best arguments in favour of the Christian religion is the reflection that, whereas heathen philosophers have laboured for years to establish rules of conduct, they have gained but few disciples, of whom even the most virtuous have never attained to that standard of living which has been so quickly reached by innumerable Christians of both sexes and of every race and condition.


Book Download: The Prodigal Son, or the Sinner’s Return to God by Father Michael Müller, C.S.S.R.

If we have followed the Prodigal Son in his sins, let us follow him now in his repentance. The Prodigal Son made up his mind to return to his father, no matter what it would cost. He was sorry for what he had done, and was determined to make reparation to the best of his power. No evil companion, no suggestion of the devil, could prevail upon him to stay any longer in a strange country — in a state of mortal sin. He was determined to make his confession to his father and obtain forgiveness.