Book Download: The Prodigal Son, or the Sinner’s Return to God by Father Michael Müller, C.S.S.R.

Book Download: The Prodigal Son, or the Sinner’s Return to God by Father Michael Müller, C.S.S.R.

The Return by Charles Bosseron Chambers

If we have followed the Prodigal Son in his sins, let us follow him now in his repentance. The Prodigal Son made up his mind to return to his father, no matter what it would cost. He was sorry for what he had done, and was determined to make reparation to the best of his power. No evil companion, no suggestion of the devil, could prevail upon him to stay any longer in a strange country — in a state of mortal sin. He was determined to make his confession to his father and obtain forgiveness. We, too, must show such determination, and say to ourselves: No matter what it may cost me; no matter what the neighbors may say; no matter what my friends may say, I am determined with God’s help to make a good confession and to give up this life of sin.

Let us be wise, and let us be wise in time — that is, let us confess our sins in time, for in the world to come there is no one to hear our confession and give us absolution; not even the apostles can do so. It is only in this world that we can find a created being who has power to forgive the sinner, who can free him from the chains of sin and hell; and that extraordinary being is the priest, the Catholic priest. “Who can forgive sins except God?” was the question which the Pharisees sneeringly asked. “Who can forgive sins?” is the question which the Pharisees of the present day also ask; and the answer is, There is a man on earth that can forgive sins, and that man is the Catholic priest.

And not only does the priest declare that the sinner is forgiven, but he really forgives him. The priest raises his hand, he pronounces the words of absolution, and in an instant, quick as a flash of light, the chains of hell are burst asunder, and the sinner becomes a child of God. So great is the power of the priest that the judgments of Heaven itself are subject to his decision ; the priest absolves on earth, and God absolves in Heaven. “Whatsoever you shall bind on earth, shall be bound in Heaven; and whatsoever you shall loose on earth, shall be loosed also in Heaven” (Matt, xviii. 18). These are the ever-memorable words which Jesus Christ addressed to the apostles and to their successors in the priesthood.


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