Book Download: The Greek Fathers by Father Adrian Fortescue

Book Download: The Greek Fathers by Father Adrian Fortescue

Three Church Fathers, by an unknown Greek artist

These Greek fathers were Catholics as we are. They belonged to the great united and visible Church in
communion with the holy Roman See, where sat the bishop whom they, too, obeyed as the successor of the Prince of the Apostles. What they defended was the Catholic faith that we profess. We, who are the heirs of so great a tradition, ought to know at least something about the story of the long chain that joins us back to the first Whitsunday. And if we are to know anything at all about Church history we must not forget the Greeks. Athanasius, Basil, Chrysostom should be something more than mere names to us. They were great and mighty men who stand out very clearly in the long and changing line that stretches now over twenty centuries. It would be a gross ingratitude to forget that they are just as important, did just as much for our cause as our own Latin fathers.


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