Book Download: The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church by Ælfric Of Eynsham

Book Download: The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church by Ælfric Of Eynsham

St Dunstan praying before Christ.

The text reads Dunstanum memet clemens rogo Christe tuere, Tenarias me non sinas sorbsisse procellas (Remember, I beg you, merciful Christ, to protect Dunstan, and do not permit the storms of the underworld to swallow me up).

God the Father made mankind and all creatures through the Son; and again, when we were fordone, he sent that same Son for our redemption. The holy mother Mary then nourished that child with great veneration, and it waxed, as other children do, without any sin.

He was born without sins, and his life was all without sins. But he wrought no miracles openly ere that he had been thirty years in a state of man: then afterwards he chose to him disciples; first twelve, whom we call apostles, that is messengers: after that he chose seventy-two, who are denominated disciples, that is learners. Then he wrought many miracles, that men might believe that he was God’s Child. He turned water to wine, and went over the sea with dry feet, and he stilled the winds by his behest, and he gave to blind men sight, and to the halt and lame a right gait, and to lepers smoothness and health to their bodies; to the dumb he gave power of speech, and hearing to the deaf; to the possessed of devils and the mad he gave sense, and drove away the devils, and every disease he healed; dead men he raised from their sepulchres to life; and taught the people to which he came with great wisdom; and said, that no man might be saved, except he rightly believe in God, and be baptized, and adorn his faith with good works; he eschewed all injustice and all leasings, and taught righteousness and truth.


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