Book Download: Prayer: The Key of Salvation by Father Michael Müller, C.S.S.R.

Book Download: Prayer: The Key of Salvation by Father Michael Müller, C.S.S.R.

Ah! would to God that I could stand on a high mountain, surrounded by all the sinners in the world! I would cry aloud, at the top of my voice: “Pray, pray, pray! you will not die in your sins; you will be forgiven; you will be saved, if you only pray! God does not require that you should go and sell everything and give it to the poor; or be put to the rack, or be nailed to a cross, in order to save your soul; conditions so painful as these He does not require of you; He requires the easiest in the world; all that He asks is that you should pray, and sincerely entreat Him to save you. He is still the same God; He is still as powerful to help you, just as merciful to forgive you, and to receive you again into His friendship, as He was when He said to the good thief: This day shalt thou be with Me in Paradise.” He will be to you the same powerful, the same merciful God, that he was to St. Magdalen the Penitent, to St. Augustine, to St. Margaret of Cortona, to St. Mary of Egypt, and to many other souls whom He has delivered from their sins, and even changed into saints. But you must avail yourself of His promise: “Amen, amen I say unto you, whatever you ask the Father in My name, He shall give it to you.”

Jesus Christ has made this promise, and He will never fail to keep it. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but His word shall never pass away.” He alone is lost who does not pray; he alone will be saved who perseveres in prayer. On the Last Day, all the saints of heaven, as well as also all the damned souls of hell, will bear witness to this truth; on that great day you, too, will bear witness to it, either with the elect on the right, if you have prayed during life, or with the damned on the left, if you have neglected to pray. Choose now which ever lot you prefer, but choose in time.


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