Book Download: The Triumph of the Cross by Father Girolamo Savonarola, O.P.

Book Download: The Triumph of the Cross by Father Girolamo Savonarola, O.P.

The Duomo viewed from the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Tuscany, Italy, ca. 1897

Causes are known by their effects, and one of the best
arguments in favour of the Christian religion is the reflection
that, whereas heathen philosophers have laboured
for years to establish rules of conduct, they have gained
but few disciples, of whom even the most virtuous have
never attained to that standard of living which has been
so quickly reached by innumerable Christians of both
sexes and of every race and condition. No one who
reflects on this fact can fail to see that there is no comparison
between the efficacy of the heathen philosophy
and of the Christian Faith, which is able to render the
proud, avaricious, and luxurious, humble, benevolent and
chaste. Every one, consequently, must acknowledge that
Christ, as God, is the Principal Cause of human perfection,
and, as Man, is its Means and Instrumental Cause.


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